Incursions & Excursions

Kiddies inspire children towards a lifelong love of learning through appealing through their interests, encouraging them in directing their own learning and providing a nurturing learning environment. Kiddies provides a consistent routine of activities such as learning, play and outdoor activities that actively supports children's social, emotional and cognitive development. 

Weekly Yoga Sessions

Yoga is great for kids too as it helps them become more conscious of their bodies, gain flexibility, build up their strength whilst improving posture, self-control, concentration and coordination. Partnered with Flexible Friends Yoga, children are encouraged to participate in a weekly yoga session to rejuvenate their mind and bodies. This part of physical skills is to help children in mindfulness about their bodies and exercise their minds.

First Kick Soccer

Playing sports is a fun learning opportunity to develop your child’s well-being and acquire positive character traits. Delivered by First Kick, the soccer program provides a fun and engaging environment for children with a professional coach. This exercise helps with developing children's gross motor skills, foot-eye coordination, confidence, teamwork, physical and mental health and builds a passionate attitude and behaviour towards sports. If you'd like to enrol your child into the First Kick program, click here.


We include a number of fun and exciting outings to cater to children's sense of curiousity, confidence and a love of learning. We understand that outings not only provide valuable opportunities for a child to gain confidence in an unfamiliar environment, encouraging strong and reciprocal trust between the children and our educators, they also create a breadth of experience for children and offer new avenues for learning, discovery and engagement.

Here are a few of our favourite places to visit:

Brear Park, Copley Park & Kings Park

A trip to the park to play games, exercise or to view gardens taps into all of a child's senses. These excursions are an important part of our program as children can learn various concepts in everyday, relatable environments.

Stirling Library

Stirling Library hosts a range of activities such as storytimes and rhymetimes. Libraries play a strong role in early learning for children, focusing on development of early literacy skills, language development and listening and oral skills.

Local Cafes

Exploring cafes provides children the opportunity to engage in social interactions outside of the KLH Centre. Children are able to form relationships with others in the community and explore how restaurants and cafes work through real life experiences.


Exploring science exhibitions provide children a fun and exciting interactive experience learning about science and how the world works.


Museum explorations uses children's creativity, critical thinking and communication skills to learn about our history, art, science and culture.